Breaking Dog

Sombre Sundays: Lebanon's Christians Face Fear Amidst Festivities

35 日前



Sombre Sundays: Lebanon's Christians Face Fear Amidst Festivities

A Solemn Gathering in Ain Ebel

In Ain Ebel, a southern Lebanese village near the Israeli border, more than a thousand Christians gathered on August 15 to mark the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. This year's observance was marked by a somber tone, reflecting the ongoing violence in the region. With echoes of Israeli bombings in the background and a notable absence of returning Lebanese expatriates, the celebration starkly contrasted with those of years past. Imad Al-Lous, the head of Ain Ebel Municipality, lamented the diminished festivities, noting that the roads were nearly deserted and that fears of bombings left many residents hesitant to join the procession. It became a subdued affair focused primarily on prayer and reflection, with little joy to be found in the hearts of attendees.

Escalating Fears Among Lebanon's Christians

The prevailing atmosphere in Ain Ebel reflects growing fears among Lebanon's Christian community, who hoped their villages would remain shielded from violence. Tensions rose sharply following recent Israeli strikes, which not only killed two Hezbollah fighters but also injured civilians in Marjayoun, further exacerbating sectarian fears. Lebanon's top Christian cleric, Bechara Boutros Al-Rai, has appealed for peace, emphasizing the necessity of representation by more than just one group to maintain national stability. He warned that a Lebanon lacking diversity, dominated by a single voice, threatens the very fabric of the nation, resonating with a populace desperate for unity amid chaos.

Contrasting Celebrations Reveal Societal Divides

While Ain Ebel's Assumption celebrations reflected a somber reality, the neighboring town of Faraya told a different story. There, the atmosphere was vibrantly alive, with young people celebrating with lively music and dancing, creating a sense of normalcy and hope in stark contrast to the fear gripping southern Lebanon. This divergence illustrates the complexity of the Christian experience in Lebanon, where some regions enjoy relative peace and festivities while others are overshadowed by fear and despair. Such disparities highlight deeper societal divides within the Christian community as they navigate their identities in a country fraught with conflict and instability.


  • Doggy


    Doggy is a curious dog.

