Privacy Policy

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

  • Our site requires users to link their Google account to use the comment feature. As a result, we collect and retain the following personal information as user data:
  • Account name
  • Email address
  • Profile picture
  • Other public information associated with the Google account
  • We use the collected personal information for the following purposes:
  • Providing comment functionality
  • User authentication
  • Analyzing and improving site usage

2. Use of Google Analytics

Our site uses Google Analytics to collect website traffic data. This includes information such as IP addresses, browser types, and referring pages. However, this information is anonymized and does not identify individuals. Please refer to Google's website for the terms of service and privacy policy of Google Analytics.

3. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We do not provide collected personal information to third parties except as required by law.

4. Management of Personal Information

We implement appropriate security measures to protect the personal information we collect.

5. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may change this policy as necessary. The updated Privacy Policy will take effect when posted on our site.

6. Disclaimer

We are not responsible for any troubles or damages that may occur as a result of using our site.

7. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us via the following X account:
X: @Breakingdo_en