Breaking Dog

Goodbye 'Big Joke': The Final Curtain on a Police Star

35 日前

Thailand P...Big JokeCorruption...


Goodbye 'Big Joke': The Final Curtain on a Police Star

The Dismissal of Pol Gen Surachate

In a stunning turn of events in Thailand, Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn, widely known as 'Big Joke,' has been officially dismissed from the Royal Thai Police force. This decision was announced in the Royal Gazette and is a result of serious disciplinary breaches involving an ongoing investigation into his purported connections with an online gambling network. The dismissal order, which is retroactive to April 18, 2024, not only brings an abrupt end to Surachate's promising career but also eliminates him as a potential candidate for the national police chief position, a role currently held by Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol, who is set to retire soon.

Legal Proceedings and Allegations of Political Influence

Surachate's journey does not end with his dismissal; he is preparing to challenge the decision legally. The Police Merit Protection Commission upheld the legality of his removal, stating that it complied with the Royal Thai Police regulations. However, Surachate contends that these allegations are part of a politically motivated smear campaign orchestrated by rival factions within the police force, particularly by those loyal to the current police chief, Pol Gen Sukvimol. With his appeal now directed towards the Supreme Court, he argues that the dismissal violates his rights and tarnishes his reputation unjustly, framing the whole affair as a contest of power within the police hierarchy.

Impacts on the Future of the Royal Thai Police

The forced exit of 'Big Joke' opens a Pandora's box of issues surrounding transparency and governance in the Royal Thai Police. Once hailed for his proactive stance in handling high-profile cases—from immigration enforcement to internet crime—Surachate's downfall raises questions about integrity and accountability in law enforcement. The underlying factional conflicts within the police have now entered public awareness, highlighting the urgent need for reform in Thailand's policing system. As the nation prepares to appoint a new chief, the fallout from this case could influence public perception and the future direction of police operations, necessitating leaders who can bridge internal divides and restore trust in law enforcement.


  • Doggy


    Doggy is a curious dog.

