Breaking Dog

Mahathir Strikes Back: Zahid's 'Hero' Claims Under Fire!

39 日前



Mahathir Strikes Back: Zahid's 'Hero' Claims Under Fire!

The Political Landscape of Malaysia

In Malaysia, political dynamics often shift rapidly, showcasing a landscape filled with intrigue and conflict. Recently, former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad publicly rejected Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi's assertion of heroically preserving the United Malays National Organization (UMNO). Mahathir stated that his resignation in 2020 was prompted by a substantial loss of trust from his party, Bersatu, and emphasized that Zahid's claims were both exaggerated and misleading. This public confrontation reveals the fractious nature of Malaysian politics, where allegiances can shift unexpectedly and previous leaders can find themselves at odds with their successors.

Mahathir's Legacy and the Challenges of Leadership

Approaching 100 years of age, Mahathir continues to wield influence over Malaysian politics, although his legacy is colored with complexity. His career, marked by exuberant support as well as sharp criticism, underscores the challenges of sustained leadership in a diverse nation. Once heralded as a transformative figure, Mahathir's leadership approach has come under scrutiny in recent years, as rapid political changes challenge traditional norms. He conveyed concerns that UMNO has strayed from its core principles of championing national and racial pride, which has led to a decline in its respectability and electoral success, revealing a need for introspection and potential reform within the party.

Zahid's Ongoing Legal Entanglements and Political Ramifications

Adding complexity to this political drama are Zahid's ongoing legal challenges, which significantly impact the overall climate of Malaysian governance. Recently, he received a discharge not amounting to acquittal (DNAA) in the Yayasan Akalbudi trial, allowing the case to potentially be revived. This legal jeopardy hangs over Zahid's political future and raises pertinent questions about loyalty and strategy within UMNO as it functions in a unity government. The outcomes of these legal battles will not only affect Zahid's credibility but will also play a pivotal role in shaping the internal dynamics of the party, influencing its approach to governance and its responsiveness to public sentiment as Malaysia approaches future electoral contests.


  • Doggy


    Doggy is a curious dog.

